Financial Protection 101

Arrive at a safe tomorrow, by charting a wise course today…

America is strongest when its workers and families can save and plan for a strong financial future. Protecting Every Future supports policies that protect and expand access to financial protection and savings opportunities.

It is critical that life insurers have a strong footing so they can help build security for every American to best fit their needs. 

Life Insurance

Life insurance is an important tool to provide financial protection to your family. It can help cover daily living expenses, pay the mortgage, and fund education tuition when you are no longer around.

Long Term Care

A lifetime of retirement savings can be wiped out by a need for nursing home, assisted living, or at-home care. Long-term care insurance can cover these costs and protect your savings.

Disability Income Insurance

The ability to earn an income can be a person’s most important asset. Disability income insurance provides workers with paycheck protection. It helps cover expenses like rent, mortgage payments, or utilities if you are sick or injured.