Importance of state level advocacy and financial policy

Financial policy is complex. Though attention in the news often points to activity at the federal level, the state you live in also makes a major impact.

What is decided at the state level?

Each state has insurance commissioners, a role that has existed as early as the 19th century. Generally, insurance commissioners have the responsibility to advocate for consumer protections and regulate insurance matters. 

For example, the state of Delaware’s insurance commissioner, Trinidad Navarro, proposed a new rule ensuring American savers can retain access to information in plain language about annuities. Annuities are the only financial product that can provide a guarantee that a person cannot outlive their income.  Looking forward, more states are expected to establish rules and guidelines to help make investing in financial products available and easy to understand.

Where you can learn more…

Protecting Every Future’s mission is to give you a platform to speak up to policymakers. Check out our tool to find your state representatives! You can also visit our parent organization’s resource with direct information on State Insurance Departments.

Stay informed – sign up and we’ll keep you updated when something happens in your state that can impact your financial security.

Further Reading: Federal policies that impact financial security


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