Protect Access to Dental Coverage
Keep Dental Insurance Affordable
Families are getting pressured with higher costs of living, limiting access to things they need. Some states lawmakers are considering legislation that gets in the way of access to affordable dental coverage by proposing a medical loss ratios (MLRs) that mirror those of major medical – a vastly different structure.
Protect Access to Dental Insurance for Families

These state level bills set unrealistic limits on the amount dental insurers can use to support administration and operations. If they go through, dental insurers may have to increase premiums to keep up, especially in the face of inflation. This risks dental coverage becoming less accessible in those states.
What is a medical loss ratio (MLR)?
A medical loss ratio is the portion of insurance premiums spent on medical claims, while the remainder is spent on administration costs. [More from the National Association of Insurance Commissioners: Here]
Why are states considering this? How could dental insurance become less affordable?
Others claim that dental insurance should be treated the same way health insurance is treated by the Affordable Care Act, which requires an MLR of 80- 85%. However, dental insurance premiums on average are much lower than health insurance premiums. This means that whatever percent of the remaining premium for dental insurers to support administration costs is far less than what would be the same percentage of a health insurance premium to do the same thing.
Bottom Line
There are better ways to ensure that dental care is accessible and affordable.