Economic Empowerment for Every American

Protecting Every Future is proud to be part of an industry that is committed to driving forward economic empowerment. This week our parent company, the American Council of Life Insurers (ACLI), announced their latest initiative to advance economic empowerment and racial equity.

The Economic Empowerment & Racial Equity Initiative is a commitment to taking steps such as:

  • Expand access to affordable financial security in underserved markets.
  • Advance diversity and inclusion within companies and on corporate boards.
  • Identify financial education opportunities to help more households achieve financial security.
  • Promote investment in affordable housing, broadband access, and services benefitting underserved communities.

Protecting Every Future strongly believes that America is strongest when its workers and families can save and plan for a strong financial future. We have noticed the life insurance industry’s proactive approach and dedication to provide these opportunities for everyone.

As a community, it is part of our mission to support policies that protect and expand access to financial protection and savings opportunities for everyone during every stage of life. Please join us by learning more about ACLI’s Economic Empowerment & Racial Equity Initiative here.


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